Come and experience a pure underwater thrill with quality gear in Barbados’ crystal clear waters.
Spearfishing is recognised as the most eco-friendly and purest form of fishing. With no hooks, lines or nets you choose the fish you want to catch.
A full safety briefing is required before entry into the water. Many different sizes of guns are available to suit everyone as well as adjustable gear to ensure comfort and enjoyment.
Once caught they fillet your fish ready to be cooked.
Daytime Spearfishing: Spearfishing during the day can often yield both good catches and fantastic diving.
A typical daytime dive (2-4 hrs) consists of:
– Meet at hotel or dive location
– Equipment fitting
– Safety Brief, Dive Plan and time frames
– Shooting fish
US$110 per person including equipment. This includes supplementary water and snacks.
Nighttime Spearfishing: Diving at night is an incredible way to shake your senses and experience something totally new. Armed with either a pole spear or small speargun you go on the hunt for Spanish lobsters and dormant reef fish around the island. Not for the feint hearted, night diving can often incur many risks and some people are prone to panic from disorientation. Don’t let this scare you however as it is incredibly rewarding.
You will also see the best way to prepare and cook your lobster if you plan to do it yourself – don’t worry its very easy!
A typical night dive (1.5 – 2.5 hrs) consists of:
– Meet at your hotel or dive location
– Equipment fitting
– Safety Brief, Dive plan
– Correct methods and techniques for safe and successful night diving
– Lobster for dinner!
US$115 per person including equipment, supplementary snacks and water.
Please call in advance to make your booking.
(Note: rates may have changed prior to confirmation.)