Harrison’s Cave, located in the centre of Barbados is one of the island’s most popular attractions. Take a trip into the mysterious underground caves of Barbados and explore centuries-old stalactites and stalagmites, waterfalls and lakes.
The Harrison’s Cave visitor experience begins at the cliff top location overlooking the valley floor. As visitors disembark, they will be able to enjoy the first exhibit located in our new car park. They will then proceed to the Visitor Reception Centre where they can purchase tickets and enjoy the interpretative exhibits at their leisure.
There are three options for descending from the cliff top to the valley floor; one of the two scenic tourism trails, including our cliff trail or valley trail or one of the three breathtaking, state of the art glass-fronted elevators.
We recommend visitors wear comfortable footwear and note that the cave is an active cave and water dripping from the formations should be expected.
Visitors will then enter the re-developed Cave Interpretative Centre which showcases exhibits as well as interactive displays for adults, teens and children. There is a nine-minute video presentation in the multimedia room before boarding a tram for a forty-minute underground journey.
Visitors are welcomed to explore the valley floor with its lush flora and fauna or take the self guided Scenic Walk.